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Dietitian Sessions Explained

Dietitian Sessions Explained

Dietitian Sessions Explained

What is a dietitian?

A registered dietitian (RD) or registered dietitian nutritionist (RDN) is a specialist in the domains of food and nutrition. Dietitians offer nutritional counseling services, but unlike a nutritionist, RDs and RDNs have completed a range of exams and coursework including obtaining a degree, passing a national medical exam, and interning for over 1200 hours. Dietitians are also required to take continuing education courses throughout their career to hold onto their licenses - whereas their nutrition counterparts require none of this. 

What is covered in a typical dietitian session? 

You will meet with a clinical dietitian to discuss your goals and your current state of health. Typical questions or information required include: height, weight, sleep patterns, current medications, most current lab values, and current and past medical history. Lab values and medical history are especially important because as previously mentioned, dietitians are medical professionals. The next step is typically to discuss your goals, current threats and opportunities and past failures and successes. Normally, we move on to your lifestyle and preferences and the incorporation of both of these things into a realistic, customized plan.

How long do dietitian consultations last?

On average, sessions last between 45-60 minutes. Obviously, years of dietetic training and experience cannot be crammed in during that time, nor would you want that! We start with short-term, doable goals. The expectation is to meet again two weeks later to figure out what worked and what did not work. We will make alterations and re-assess during the following session. Depending on the level of intervention, the following meeting will likely be in two weeks to a month’s time. At that point, we will reassess and perhaps move on to some more robust goals. 

What kind of results should a new patient expect? 

As mentioned earlier, this is why studies have shown that personal nutrition counseling has better outcomes than apps or group counseling. Apps use algorithms but we are not robots (fortunately!). Furthermore, you will have the option of choosing a concierge medical team that can include a dietitian, doctor, trainers, and physical therapy all in one place! Our office is inside Club La Maison in Wayne, PA, which also houses some of the best trainers in the area, Sports Medicine Doctor Chris Mullholland, DO of PVH and Bounce Back Physical Therapy. No matter where you are on your health journey, we can service you. However, rest assured none of these additional services are required, they are simply there for your convenience if you choose to use them.

What’s next?

You are the only one who can assert change. Perhaps you are ready and do not know where to start. We would love to help co-pilot your journey and help keep you on track. You will likely be surprised with what you can accomplish with the right tools! Are you ready to bust some myths and get back on track? If so, we cannot WAIT to get started! Give us a call for a free 15 minute nutrition consultation to see if we are right for you.